This is the first pistol produced by Manufacture d’Armes des Pyrenees, Hendaye, France, and therefore the first to use the “Unique” name. A basic Browning blowback type pistol, this model has no grip safety, but does have the normal thrumb and magazine safeties.
The French Firm of unique sold these model 10s between the wars to anyone who felt they needed a personal protection pistol. They were close copies of the various Colt and Browning designs and were made to very high standards of fit and finish.And to add some confusion, Unique manufactured the Model 10 for other companies that sold under them their brand name : IXOR, ARMUS, AUDAX, DEMON and many others, including à … LE LION ! The same was true for the Unique Model 10 direct challenger, the MAB Type A.